STINGRAY is altering
STINGRAY is transforming
STINGRAY is floating
STINGRAY is a performance
STINGRAY is a trip
STINGRAY is a book
STINGRAY is an undercover agent
Stingray Editions was founded in Basel in 2015 by Sarina Scheidegger and Kambiz Shafei as a platform for varying format editions with an emphasis on collaborations with artists, writers, musicians and scientists. Stingray Editions develops several projects in a multitude of shapes, dimensions and contexts. At the heart of these collective collaborations, lies a dialogue which defines the format of each edition individually. The divergent forms of these editions reflect the nature and character of the stingray itself – a creature which can alter and adapt without losing its existence.
The exhibition «Within Others‘ Sounds» combined artists from Argentina, Chile, Germany and Switzerland who’s works mainly focuses on sonic elements and an auditory culture in their practice. Their divers approaches to investigate acoustics be it sculptural, performative, text based or through an installation - the artists works are connected through an interest on how to think about sonic phenomena and the dynamics of sound within a shared space and at the same time. «Within Others‘ Sounds» attended topics relating to a joint hearing and listening as well as the potential of sound as another form of communication.
With Jimena Croceri, Rodrigo Toro Madrid, Romy Rüegger, Caroline Ann Baur & Vanessà Heer, Franziska Baumgartner & Marten Seedorf, Gerome Johannes Gadient
Vinyl Edition
70.00 CHF each, Order
For this edition Stingray Editions invited artists and writers from Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia and Switzerland to contribute a text in relation to the title.
The edition was released at «I Never Read – Art Book Fair«, 2018 in Basel.
With Felipe Castelblanco, Rosalie Schweiker, Chantal Küng, Ana Navas, Jimena Croceri, Luisa Ungar, Sarina Scheidegger
20.00 CHF, Order
«Stingray Encounters» are presented at the backwall of «Ausstellungsraum Klingental» in Basel showing different texts of artists and writers. For each series Stingray Editions gives a title or context asking for a text in relation to it.
With Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Eduardo Navarro, Gilles Furtwängler, Jimena Croceri u.A
Unique Edition
Daniela Brugger & Vera Bruggmann
Oppressed by Privilege / Privileged By Oppression were the names of two bands performing their inaugural concert at Aussellungsraum Klingental in June 2017. Previous to any rehearsals the public was invited by an open call to submit texts in response to the respective band names. The bands used the submissions as the raw material to adapt and interpret musically and later present it on stage. The original text were published by Stingray Editions.
With Franziska Baumgartner, Daniela Brugger, Vera Bruggmann, Daniela Caderas, Laura Endtner, Lysann König, Nora Locher, Marlon McNeill, Julia Minnig, Lea Rüegg, Arlene Sagada, Sarina Scheidegger, Alena Stählin, Sara&Natascha
Poster 10.00 CHF, Order
«Stingray Encounters» are presented at the backwall of «Ausstellungsraum Klingental» in Basel showing different texts of artists and writers. For each series Stingray Editions gives a title or context asking for a text in relation to it.
With Franziska Baumgartner, Karin Borer, Daniela Brugger, Martin Chramosta, Ted Davis, Louise Guerra, Raphaela Grolimund, Silas Heizmann, Bianca Hildenbrand, Chris Hunter, Sophie Jung, Judith Kakon, Clare Kenny, Nicolas Kerksieck, Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger, Simon Krebs & Franca Schaad, Muda Mathis & Sus Zwick, Deirdre O'Leary, René Pulfer for Roberto Filliou, Marion Ritzmann, Chris Regn, Celia & Nathalie Sidler, Nele Stecher, Hannah Weinberger, Johannes Willi
Unique Edition
Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger
The performance «13» united thirteen monologues written by the artists and performed by thirteen performers during the time of thirteen days at Kunsthalle Basel for the exhibition «Jahresausstellung des Kunstkredit Basel-Stadt». Each day oft he show one performer and one monologue was added. Beside the performance there was a poster edition consisting of thirteen posters which were shown in a daily change outside of the Kunsthalle, announcing the next character to be joined the performance. After the exhibition the texts were published in a publication which was released at « I Never Read – Art Book Fair», 2017 in Basel.
Posters & Publication
Publication 30.00 CHF, Order
Poster each 80.00 CHF, Order
During LISTE Art Fair 2017, Stingray Editions presented a collective project called «Double Editions». This project questions the conventions of how books are put together. What does it mean to rebind a set of pages together, reordering their structure? How do we collect books as three dimensional objects? How can a photograph printed in a book be transformed into a two dimensional artwork by being cut out of its original medium. Furthermore how is it possible to create two new publications by strictly using the material of two books which are chosen by the artists collaborating on this project?
Stingray Editions invited six artists to create 10 book volumes. Each volume is the outcome of two selected books collaged into a new edition. «Double Editions» is a collaboration of Kambiz Shafei with Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Martina Kausch, Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger, Nicolas Raufaste and Anahita Razmi.
Book Edition
750.00 CHF each, Order
Isabel Peña & Sarina Scheidegger in collaboration with Kambiz Shafei
The second edition of «Hidden Poems» is gathering artists and writers from Argentina and Switzerland who worked with the archive of the library of Victoria Ocampo in San Isidro/Buenos Aires.
The artists and writers have been asked to choose a book from the library and within it a specific page where they extracted a «Hidden Poem». Those poems and the edited pages of the books have been published in a publication and were released with a presentation and lectures at Kaskadenkondensator Basel in August 2017. «Hidden Poems» is a project about working with an archive of books and with that to ask questions about how books are writing our history, how can we rewrite and renew an archive and maybe even its histroy.
With Alejandra Bocquel (ARG), Julían D‘Angiolillo (ARG), Cecilia Pavon (ARG), Julia Mensch (ARG), Isabel Peña (ARG), Cucurto Washington, Romy Rüegger (CH), Stéphanie Rosianu (CH), Riikka Tauriainen (FIN/CH), Sarina Scheidegger (CH), Andreas Thierstein (CH), Patrick Savolainen (CH).
Publication 15.00 CHF, Order
Poster 10.00 CHF, Order
Rooftop Reading is a format that brings writers, artists and a wide array of audience together every summer for lectures on different rooftops. The project was founded in 2013 together with Chantal Küng and Nora Locher and has expanded from Basel to Buenos Aires in 2016. The aim is to find an alternative way of presenting, listening and approaching literature under the open sky.
In 2016 Stingray Editions made a poster serie with some texts by Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Nino Baumgartner, Nora Locher & Matthias Luterbach and Dorothee Elmiger.
Poster Edition
Singles 25.00 CHF, Order
Edition 80.00 CHF, Order
Variationen des Verschlingens
Ariane Koch
Ariane Koch’s book «ALL YOU CAN EAT – Variationen des Verschlingens» collects a variety of texts which were partly performed at «Luzerner Theater» as she was in-house writer in 2015/2016. The texts bring together different topics and characters such as lions, the sea, cannibals, wizard Varoufakis and a protagonist which slips into the different figures and perspectives. The publication was distributed to the audience for each performance within the context of the theater. The ephemerality of the performance and the printed text are following different time frames and are opposing each other, the book form outlasts the performance and could be (re)-enacted with different parts of the text at any time.
22.00 CHF, Order
Ariane Koch & Sarina Scheidegger
Ariane Koch and Sarina Scheidegger held conversations with friends, artists, performers, cultural scientists, journalists, philosophers, historians, curators, graphic designers, cultural anthropologists, theater scientists. Through various perspectives on and through different involvements within the artworks a reflection
on their artistic practice was developed. The first collection of conversations are documenting gatherings, statements, quarrels, debates, similarities and impressions which were transcribed, edited and published in several orders.
The performance «In Company» took place in the exhibiton «Neue» at the «Centre Pasqu‘Art Biel», where five performers reenacted, remembered, repeated and redefinded the conversations.
Conversations with: Ana Castaño Almendral, Alain Gloor, Naomi Gregoris, Katrin Grögel, Louise Guerra, Fritz Rösli, Nora Locher, Anna Christen, Norwin Tharayil, Muda Mathis, Kristina Semenova, Kambiz Shafei & Dominik Denzler Robert Steinberger & Camille Schmid
Nino Baumgartner
In Nino Baumgartner’s «Short Cuts» people could sign up for one of his unique tours leading through rivers, forests and bunkers in order to discover hidden places and gain some new and exciting perspectives on unknown surroundings.
The subscription for the project took place at « I Never Read – Art Book Fair», 2016 where the audience was invited to take a designed waterbottle with them in order to join the tour.
Unique Edition
Hannah Bruckmüller, Martin Chramosta, Cornelia Frischauf, Victor Goll, Barbara Holub, Susanne Jalka, Grzegorz Kielawski, Nora Locher, Rudolf Stueger and Sarina Scheidegger
The publication «We Park We Write» consists of different texts by authors who spent one day in an old cashier’s office in the votiv garage in Vienna. Beside a lecture that took place in 2015 the text can be taken along in the garage.
5.00 CHF, Order
The examination with the structures of the feminist discourse constitutes the foundation of the manifest which is being continuously rewritten since 2013 by Ariane Koch and Sarina Scheidegger. The dialogic piece was shown in different stages and contexts as a performance - spoken by two performers - and as poster edition - exposed in the public space as well as in the exhibition space. The poster series is a silkscreen print with fragments of the manifest.
since 2013
Poster Edition
Singles 25.00 CHF, Order
Edition 200.00 CHF, Order
Stingray Editions is and was supported by
Christoph Merian Stiftung
Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung
Jubiläumsstiftung der Mobiliar
Abteilung Kultur Basel-Stadt
Fondo Argentino de Desarrollo Cultural y Creativo, Ministerio de Cultura de la Nacion Argentina